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Live-stream XR games to
Twitch, TikTok & YouTube

Our in-game SDK and streamer tools enable streaming on standalone XR headsets such as the Meta Quest 2 and 3.

In-game real-time
streaming to the cloud

Start streaming to the cloud seamlessly in-game. No need for casting or other devices.

Multistream to

Simultaneously stream to Twitch, TikTok and YouTube with BeamXR.

Effortless developer

Our drag-and-drop unity SDK, enables low latency streaming with minimal FPS impact

Social engagement

Beam brings social to XR so streamers can engage with their audiences on social (chat, polls, calls) in-headset.

Game & streamer

Powerful insights to build understanding of player and stream audiences.

Edit and download
highlight clips

Easily view and download highlight clip videos to share on socials.

Enable streaming in under ten minutes


Download SDK

Add SDK to your Unity project. Drag in the BeamXR Streaming prefab.


Initiate Streaming

Optionally implement UI to trigger streaming, or start automatically. Capture first-person or third-person perspective.



Sign-up or login to BeamXR and activate the headset.


Watch Stream

Go to the Beam Portal to see your live videos and recordings. Coming soon: forward the stream onto Twitch, Youtube & TikTok.

Game studios &
content creators

We want to hear from you. Get early access by joining our Discord, or sign up below.

© 2024. BeamXR Limited. All rights reserved.